I Almost Died

Have you ever gone out shopping only to find out when you got to your destination that it was Black Friday?  And when you got there, you decided that you had simply gone too far to leave, so might as well stay and get what you need and get out?  Well, that was me.

Last night I met Chris and Spencer for dinner, only to find out that I didn't have class today or Tuesday! Yay...what the heck am I going to do with myself? I'll tell you what, NOT eat mystery meat! I decided that first thing in the morning I'd go to Ashan for groceries and cook myself a good meal. I should have done my research and found out why there wasn't going to be class.

When I left the dorms at 1:30pm, I noticed that there were a lot of people out on the streets, and even more selling flowers and little trinkets.  Then it clicked.  Even though today is only the 7th of March, the 8th is National Woman's Day.  This holiday is very much like Valentine's day or Mother's Day except all the women are shown how important and appreciated they are by the men.  The men will buy the girls flowers, chocolate, buy them dinner, and/or buy them pretty little trinkets.  These activities, if the man really wants to show his love, might include doing the housework for the day! I think we should have this day in America too, what do you say?

When I got into the mall, it was packed.  There were young girls out shopping with their mother's and boyfriends taking their girlfriends out.  Men buying flowers and looking at jewelry and engagement rings. Really quite exciting to see everyone really in the spirit for this holiday, the mall was even decorated with red hearts like Valentine's Day.  Ashan was the most busiest I had ever seen it.  But, I was determined to buy my pot, pan, bread, cheese, some sort of meat, and spaghetti, as well as some other things, but the food thing was my pain priority!  Instead of grabbing a cart that would slow me down, I picked up a basket and headed into the fray!  People are nasty.  It's that plain and simple.  I almost got run over multiple times.  Once I bent over to grab a box of tissues and a women was pushing her cart into me...Like...hello...I'm a living person too!  Then later on, I went into a different isle to find where I could find pots and pans, and a man with his cart comes zooming out of the isle, and heading right for me, not slowing down at all. So, I try to press myself up against a shelf as much as possible, and he clips my arm and my coat making my basket hit a pile of baby juice boxes which go spilling onto the floor.  The man looks at me and goes "Oi...." oh, so now, you're moving slow. Are you going to help me pick this up? Because this wouldn't have happened if you hadn't intended to attempt killing me with your cart, Mister. No...so much for appreciating women.

By the time I made it out of there is was after 4pm.  Around 6pm I decided I'd attempt to cook.  I took two slices of bread, smeared them with cheesy caesar dressing, because I couldn't find any mayo, took two slices of cheese, and two slices of what I think might be pork.  Remember what I said about not eating mystery meat...well, I don't think I'll ever escape that so long as I live here in Russia.  Turkey is unfortunately non-existant, so I had to settle with whatever was already pre-cut for me.  I went into the kitchen, and a man was making his dinner he said "С празником" which translates as Joyous Feast, or Happy Holiday.  Yay, finally a nice person!  I replied likewise, and attempted to turn the stove on.  I turned the dial this way and that, and nothing happened.  I asked the nice man if he knew how to work it, and he whipped out a lighter and lite the gas stove for me.  Great. Now I have to buy a lighter.  I'm totally going to set myself on fire...*sigh*
I put the two pieces of mystery meat into my frying pan, which were already cooked, but I wanted it to be a little crispy.  I then put the two pieces of meat in between the cheese and the bread and basically made myself a mystery meat melt.
Hey, everyone needs to have things mixed up from time to time, right?  I burned it a little bit, but it was still very tasty.  I ate some animal crackers with it, and for dessert I made myself some tea and ate a few bites out of my giant Алёнка chocolate bar. So, first time cooking for myself, I must say went well.  I'm just horrified of lighting the stove by myself for next time, I really don't want my long beautiful going up in flames.


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