
I have been home for almost 2 weeks now, and I've been thinking about how studying abroad has benefitted me, how it has changed me as a person, and if it was really worth it. Seeing as I am now home, this will be my final and last post to this blog, so I just wanted to thank all my viewers for their support and interest.

I arrived at JFK on Sunday May 29th at 3pm. My parents, my bestfriend, and boyfriend were all anxiously awaiting me. My mom made me homemade chocolate chip cookies, and Justin (my bestfriend) brought a cooler full of my favorite candy in the world: Reeses Peanut Butter Cups! When I saw them I couldn't help but start crying...partly due to the air from the plane, my eyes were burning so badly, and partly, because I was so happy to see them. After the 3 hour drive from the airport, when I got home I took a shower, and as soon as I got out, the boys were waiting on me hand and foot. Marcus was getting me something to eat, and Justin was brushing my hair, and trying to make me comfortable. It was so nice to be with them.I must have went to bed at 10pm that night, I was so exhausted. I woke up every hour on the hour, the difference in time was killing me. Over the course of a few days however, I adjusted and am now fully recovered.

First off, I want to say that I do not regret spending the last 4 months of my life away from my family, friends, and loved ones. There were a lot of tough times and moments where I just couldn't wait to come home.  Having to learn how to become self sufficient and not rely on anyone except yourself is one of life lessons that everyone has to learn at some point. I'm happy that I learned now.  When I came home, I noticed myself doing things around the house that I typically wouldn't. Such as: washing, drying, and putting away random dishes that were in the sink, not leaving my stuff scattered around the place, picking up after myself and others...The types of things that make my parent's life a little bit less annoying or stressful. I feel like a gew up a lot, and that I'm not the same person who left for Russia 4 months ago.  I tend to look at things more logically, and am able to speak up for myself instead of letting my parents or someone else answer for me.  I grew a backbone while I was away.

Having study abroad will help me find a job, no matter what, it's always going to give me a better chance, especially because of how sufficient in the language I have become and will be through my further studies.  I can say I did so many neat and interesting things, whereas other people have not had the same opportunities. These are all the major benefits, and I'm sure there are more, but they don't come to mind.  I would recommend for anyone to go abroad, learn, live, and you'll come back as someone new, and quite possibly, if you're lucky enough, you'll see that it is perhaps the best times of your life.

A major argument about study abroad is about relationships. Many people believe that leaving your significant other for a few months or a year will ruin the relationship.  While there are many things supporting this as a true fact, I don't agree with it.  I believe that people fall out of love everyday. It is possible to wake up one morning, see the light, and realize that there is so much more out of life they want and need before one can settle down.  My relationship with Marcus, unfortunately came to an end, soon after I came home.  What happened, you asked? Much of what I said above is what happened.  I still love him, very much, just not in the same way I did when I left for Russia. Was it a mistake to leave him? Who knows? I'll never find out.  I don't want any ties keeping me down in one place. I'm going to want to travel more and go to grad school, there is one I have had my eye on for a while now far away from Albany and home.  While I'm only 20 years old, I can't be held down, I need to be all I can be, and if that means I can't have a serious relationship for the next however many years, I'll do it, to secure a happy and fortuous future.

In the words of Katy Perry:
"Do you ever feel, feel so paper thin
Like a house of cards
One blow from caving in

Do you ever feel already buried deep
Six feet under scream
But no one seems to hear a thing

Do you know that there's still a chance for you
Cause there's a spark in you

You just gotta ignite the light
And let it shine
Just own the night
Like the Fourth of July"


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