Doomed to be Forever Challenged

It is now Tuesday, March 1st.  Only 3 more months or even better, 13 weeks to go! Not that I'm really counting down or anything...Both Monday and today have been relatively normal.

I went to class yesterday for Города Россия: История и Культура (City of Russia: History and Culture).  I missed last class, because of the whole craziness with the Пропуск and housing papers.  When the professor came in and took attendance, she said my name and then immediately said, нет! Not even giving me a second to say Я здесь! (I'm here!).  She started questioning me, saying that she thought I had been moved to Group 2.  (Sigh, here we go again)  I went on explaining to her, to the best of my ability in Russia, that I was put in Group 3, and was asked to try Group 2.  I went to group 2, and thought it was too easy.  She went on to say that most people for the first semester are in group 2, then their second semester get moved up to group 3.  I wanted to scream, "Then why was I put in group 3 if that's how it's supposed to work?"  Of course I didn't, I just said that I understand, but I need to be here in group 3.  That was the end of that, thank God, but it just upsets me that the woman out in the hallway the other week, would go to all my professors, tell them that I was moving to group 2, when she had "advised" me to try group 2.  I did, it wasn't for me, end of story.

This morning I woke up feeling sick to my stomach, dizzy, and achy.  So I slept till noon, took Motrin, and laid around all day.  The group went to the Kremlin to tour the cathedrals and see a performance tonight at 7pm at the Kremlin Palace.  I'm upset that I couldn't go, but I'm thinking this was just a 24 hour thing, because it is now 8:30pm, and I'm already starting to feel like my normal self, minus the lack of food.  I had some potato soup, which was really good, and a slice of bread.  I attempted a slab of mystery meat, but my stomach just couldn't handle it.

Tomorrow starts classes at 10:50am till about 7pm at night, so I better feel well again!


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